5 This guide documents inav usage of the `cmake` build tool.
9 A target requires `CMakeLists.txt` file. This file contains one of more lines of the form:
12 target_hardware_definition(name optional_parameters)
18 target_stm32f405xg(QUARKVISION HSE_MHZ 16)
21 * The hardware is `stm32f405xg`, a F405 with a 1MiB flash
22 * The name is `QUARKVISION` (a board that never reached production)
23 * The optional parameter is `HSE_MHZ 16` defining the non-default high-speed external (HSE) oscillator clock.
27 As of inav 4.1, the following target hardware platforms are recognised:
38 The device characteristics for these names may be found at [stm32-base.org](https://stm32-base.org/cheatsheets/linker-memory-regions/).
40 ## Optional Parameters
42 The following optional parameters are recognised:
46 | `SKIP_RELEASES` | The target is disabled for releases and CI. It still may be possible to build the target directly. |
47 | `COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "VAR[=value]"` | Sets a preprocessor define. |
48 | `HSE_MZ value` | The target uses a high-speed external crystal (HSE) oscillator clock with a frequency different from the 8MHz default. The `value` is the desired clock, for example `HSE_MHZ 24` |
50 Multiple optional parameters may be specified, for example `HSE_MHZ 16 SKIP_RELEASES`.
54 A number of targets support multiple variants, either successive versions of the same hardware, or varations that enable different resources (soft serial, leds etc.) This is defined by adding additional `target_` lines to `CMakeLists.txt`. For example, the OMNIBUSF4 and its multiple clones / variations, `src/main/target/OMNIBUSF4/CMakeLists.txt`:
57 target_stm32f405xg(DYSF4PRO)
58 target_stm32f405xg(DYSF4PROV2)
59 target_stm32f405xg(OMNIBUSF4)
60 # the OMNIBUSF4SD has an SDCARD instead of flash, a BMP280 baro and therefore a slightly different ppm/pwm and SPI mapping
61 target_stm32f405xg(OMNIBUSF4PRO)
62 target_stm32f405xg(OMNIBUSF4PRO_LEDSTRIPM5)
63 target_stm32f405xg(OMNIBUSF4V3_S5_S6_2SS)
64 target_stm32f405xg(OMNIBUSF4V3_S5S6_SS)
65 target_stm32f405xg(OMNIBUSF4V3_S6_SS)
66 # OMNIBUSF4V3 is a (almost identical) variant of OMNIBUSF4PRO target,
67 # except for an inverter on UART6.
68 target_stm32f405xg(OMNIBUSF4V3)
71 ## Adding (or removing) a source file
73 In the cmake system, project source files are listed in `src/main/CMakeLists.txt`. New source files must be added to this list to be considered by the build system.